Remember when you were a kid and scraped your knee from a bike accident or while horseplaying fell down? You'd go running home, sometimes in tears, and Momma would rinse off the wound, applay a little disinfectant and put a "Band-Aid" on it.
A few days later somehow the band-aid would fall off, usually due to more rough play, but lo and behold the scraped knee would be miraculously healed!
A lot of doctors practice the "Band-Aid" theory when it comes to yeast infection in man. They'll prescribe an oitment or salve of some sort to relieve the topical irritations to the penis, but never really address the real root of the problem...
The band-aid theory is derived from the band-aid's actual role in treating injuries. When you scrape your knee in a biking accident for instance, it's pretty much standard procedure to dress the wound with a band-aid.
Putting it that way makes it seem as if the band-aid is what healed you, when the reality is that the band-aid's part in your recovery was minimal. Water is what cleaned your wound, disinfectant is what killed the germs and promoted recovery, and time is what allowed your flesh to mend. The band-aid? It covered up your wound, allowing it to heal quicker than it would have if it was exposed. That's it. Simply put, the band-aid was merely a superficial element in your recovery.
That quality is how the band-aid theory applies to yeast infection. When a doctor diagnoses irritation and soreness on the head of the penis as a penile yeast infection for example, drugs would usually be recommended to treat the condition. More often than not, however, these drugs would address the irritation on the penis, the white discharge typical of a Candida yeast infection, or another yeast infection symptom in man. They play a very small part in actually curing yeast infection in man.
For sure, the doctor's prescriptions would normally produce good results, albeit ones that won't last. This is because the root of the problem isn't dealt with: the reason why the patient has a penile yeast infection in the first place. Symptoms are alleviated, yes, to the point that there may not be anything left to be considered a yeast infection symptom in man, but again, the relief is temporary. There may be no more visible symptoms, but when it comes to yeast infection in man, that can just as easily mean that the infection is hidden, as much as it can mean that it's gone.
The band-aid theory then, poses a very serious question: if all medication does is target symptoms, is permanent relief from yeast infection in man even possible? Since yeast infection is, in its simplest form, a manifestation of a flaw in bodily function, the answer must lie in a holistic approach to health.
By looking at the infection not as an isolated condition but simply as a glitch in a bigger system that is the human body and just focusing on getting healthier, chances are the body will respond in a manner that will rid it of the infection. This means that any benefits to be gained will last as long as the holistic approach to health does.
While the "Band-Aid" approach may be fine for temporary relief to pains and discomforts associated with Candida yeast infection, it is not the real cure. This reasoning is why advocates of the natural treatment to yeast infection are growing in number. They know better than to think a band-aid can cure something as serious as yeast infection in man. Treating a yeast infection is serious business and deserves more than a Band-Aid.
Are you ready to totally eliminate yeast infection? Get rid of burning, itching, or painful urination. Cure the underlying root cause of yeast infection in man
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Monday, December 3, 2007
The Band-Aid Theory Doesn't Work To Solve The Problem
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5:33 PM
Labels: Band-Aid Theory, Candida yeast infection, yeast infection in man

Friday, November 30, 2007
A Healthy Diet Can Help Kill Yeast Infection
FYI: Men Can Be Infected With The Same Yeast Infections That Plague Women
Eliminate your yeast infection before it gets worse. Untreated it can lead to arthritis, chronic fatigue, shortness of breath, and worse symptoms - like sexual dysfunction.
Click here to discover the safe and effective, all-natural cure for yeast infection
You think your gut is the only reason for you to watch what you eat? Think again. Weight loss is a worthy diet goal, but I'll do you one better: watching what you eat can prevent yeast infection in man or allow you to recover from that mortifying illness. If you don't consider that worth putting aside a single candy bar, trust me, an enormous gut coupled with saggy man breasts is nothing compared to a yeast infection symptom in men.
It's easy to understand that food is — for anyone who has ever experienced a profound satisfaction after a particularly good meal — a lot more than just requisite nourishment; it's a lifestyle in itself, something anyone can truly enjoy. Then again, the food we relish isn't manna from heaven; everything we eat — from that doughnut on the run to the delectable Italian dinner scheduled on our blackberry — comes with a hefty price.
That price is our health. And I'm not just talking about the calories. Diet can affect the likelihood of yeast infection in man, and could spell the difference in you being seen as a poor meat substitute or a grade A steak to the Candida fungi.
Take diabetics for example. The high sugar levels in their urine make them susceptible to penile yeast infection, since they provide an ideal environment for yeast formation. This means an extra spoonful of white sugar to your coffee, taken consistently, may eventually expose you to the dangers of yeast infection in man.
Yeast infection lives and dies by the food we eat. For all you know, you could be feeding the Candida fungi as you feed yourself. And that's not something you want to happen. Like I said earlier, the threat of a yeast infection symptom in man alone is reason enough not to take the risk. So why not be safe with a yeast infection diet instead?
The beauty of a yeast infection diet is that it generally promotes your overall well-being. It's purpose isn't solely to provide relief from penile yeast infection or any other manifestation of yeast infection in man; it aims to eliminate the infection entirely by making your body a hostile environment for yeast, making you healthier in the process.
Diet provides the opportunity to rid the stricken of the infection, and maybe a fat belly too. So everyone, afflicted or not, can go on the diet and benefit greatly from it. Don't let it take a symptom of yeast infection in man to get you to try it.
Posted by
12:45 AM
Labels: penile yeast infection, yeast infection diet, yeast infection symptom in man

Friday, November 23, 2007
With Yeast Infection In Men An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth More Than a Pound of Cure
The following article includes pertinent information that may cause you to reconsider what you thought you understood. The most important thing is to study with an open mind and be willing to revise your understanding if necessary.
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, so the adage says. When it comes to yeast infection in man, those are words of wisdom indeed. Ridiculous as it may seem for some men to be struck down with what they might call a woman’s malady, there’s no escaping the reality that they, like every other male, can suffer from a Candida yeast infection symptom just like every other female.
But unlike women, men don’t have the benefit of selecting a cure from a wide array of products developed to combat the infection in a manner unique to their own gender. Vaginal yeast infections, being fairly common, have warranted their own line of medication, while the occasional penile yeast infection, rare as it is, has yet to earn its own shelf in the local drug store. This leaves infected men with little choice but to settle for risky prescriptions that may or may not work, some of which even capable of turning a minor symptom into a recurring yeast infection.
This alone should be enough for men to advocate yeast infection prevention, but with the odds being what they are, most men don’t even give it a second thought. They find it hard to fathom how, out of all the men the Candida fungus could prey on, it would pick on them to feast. These men play a dangerous game of chance, ignoring the fact that every game ends with a winner and a loser, and that the dice has to land somewhere after each roll. They don’t trouble their minds by asking “What if?”, leaving them unprepared when the worst happens.
You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about yeast. But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.
Dealing with yeast infection in man is not as simple as finding a cure and applying it. Because it is an uncommon ailment, treatment may not be that easy to come by. Since symptoms may not manifest in some men, there’s also the possibility that a remedy won’t be applied until well after it has become a severe yeast infection. What’s more, treatment can make no guarantees. Medication is not a miracle cure; it fails to save from time to time.
Those instances show the adage, though sensible, is still flawed. Occasions will come when no weight of cure can make up for a mere ounce of prevention. Unfortunately, when the infected find themselves at that juncture, they can no longer turn back.
This is why men, even more so than women, should practice yeast infection prevention. If not for the lack of reliable options to fall back on in terms of prescriptions, for the security prevention brings. These preventive measures are as simple as they are easy, and value awareness more than all-out effort. They can be as plain as practicing safe sex, keeping the body’s strength up by eating right, or reading up on yeast infection to better understand its causes and symptoms. Even taking steps to learn how to cure a yeast infection naturally can prove beneficial, since several of these methods involve enhancing the body’s immune system to defend against infection.
All things considered, yeast infection in man is not something that should be taken lightly, despite the slim odds. Time is much better spent preparing for the possibility of its arrival than questioning whether or not it will come. Though there is already little chance for a man to get infected, there will be even less if he acts to prevent it. Even in the dangerous game of chance, that’s a gamble worth taking.
When word gets around about your command of yeast facts, others who need to know about yeast will start to actively seek you out.
Eliminate your yeast infection before it gets worse. Untreated it can lead to arthritis, chronic fatigue, shortness of breath, and worse symptoms - like sexual dysfunction.
Click here to discover the safe and effective, all-natural cure for yeast infection in man
Posted by
12:55 AM
Labels: candida yeast infection in men, yeast infection prevention

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Sex Is The Leading Cause Of Yeast Infection In Man
It was a night not unlike any other night really, except for the fact that this night everything was falling into place, and seemed as though it would be a night to remember.
Joe had spent countless nights at the local hot spot talking to Evelyn for hours on end and they had never become nothing more than friends. But tonight was to be different Joe could feel it.
He became bolder in his moves and actions towards her and she was being receptive for a change. If he continued to play his hand right they would become more than friends tonight.
She smells incredible; her scent subtle, but intoxicating. Joe and Evelyn lock lips, and she moans her approval. His mouth found her neck, and he kissed it, tasting fire. Then she looks at him, her eyes inviting as she fixed Joe with her stare, and lets her gaze drift — slowly and intently — to the bedroom.
Joe thanking to himself how lucky he was to have brought protection, not knowing that pregnancy and STDs aren't the only causes for concern. Not when [yeast infection in man] remains a remote possibility.
He pulled off the covers and jump under the sheets. And almost as quickly as the dance had started it was over. For once the adventure had lead to the prize but it was now over and the night drew to a close,
He feel content, almost as if Joe had lived through a dream. Days later, however, reality strikes.
A reddish irritation appeared on his penis, it was accompanied by a nagging itch, and it plagued him.
Does any of this sound familiar? It doesn't matter if you are like Joe out seeking affectiomate intimacy or a married man just enjoying the pleasures of sex with your wife. Yeast infection in man is an uncommon but real circumstance.
Please read on
An article you read on yeast infection identified this as a yeast infection symptom in man. You didn't look into it at the time since it was your girlfriend at risk, and you focused instead on helping her know more about vaginal yeast infection. Though even then, you couldn't help but fear what little you read of yeast infection in man, fully aware that its symptoms aren't pleasant.
Time passes since you first noticed the irritation, and still you try in vain to ignore it. But then the morning comes when you look down in the shower and stare, in morbid fascination, at a fear that has been realized. penile yeast infection, the veritable worse-case scenario when dealing with yeast infection in man, has made itself even more apparent.
Soreness, clumpy white discharge, blisters resembling those of genital herpes—practically every known yeast infection symptom in man has manifested itself on your penis. And the one thing on your mind (aside from the endless string of profanity) is one question: How?
It hardly matters that you are among few who have accepted yeast infection in man is a possibility or even that you can recognize its symptoms. Crucial as that knowledge is in addressing the condition as soon as possible, greater importance lies in knowing the causes of yeast infection in man and the ways to prevent it.
Sex, for instance, is one of the leading causes of yeast infection in man, particularly penile yeast infection. This is because women with vaginal yeast infection can infect men during intercourse. Although it's not a given, and really quite uncommon, that a man who sleeps with a woman with yeast infection will end up suffering any yeast infection symptom in man, it does happen and it's better to err on the side of caution.
Infection through sex is not one-sided though. A man with yeast infection can infect his female partner. This means that man must be as mindful of yeast infection as woman, not only to preserve his health but that of his bedmates as well. In fact, man should be the more vigilant of the two, since yeast infection in man doesn't always have visible symptoms. Once yeast infection is established the man and the woman can re0infect each other over and over again.
Yeast infection will always be a threat to man and woman alike, but a little awareness can go a long way toward keeping the disease at bay. While coming to terms with the reality of yeast infection in man and spotting its symptoms are all well and good, there's no excuse for not knowing what can expose you to the disease, what you can do to avoid it, and what methods can help you if ever you get infected. With those in mind, you can rest easy, knowing a dream night won't become a nightmare later on.
Eliminate your yeast infection before it gets worse. Untreated it can lead to arthritis, chronic fatigue, shortness of breath, and worse symptoms - like sexual dysfunction.
Click here to discover the safe and effective, all-natural cure for yeast infection in man
Posted by
6:00 PM
Labels: penile yeast infection, yeast infection in man, yeast infection symptom in man